Project: University of Canterbury RRSIC
Project: University of Canterbuy Rutherford Regional Science and Innovation Centre Location: Christchurch Opened: 2019 The University of Canterbury’s new Science Precinct is now up and running several years after the damage suffered from the Christchurch 2011 earthquakes. The Rutherford Regional Science and Innovation Centre (RRSIC) sits at the centre of the precinct and has created [...]
Project: Roxburgh Dam
Project: Roxburgh Hydro Dam Location: Otago The Roxburgh Hydro Dam lies across the Clutha River just North of the town of Roxburgh, opened for commission 1956 and currently supplies power to over 300,000 homes in the Otago region. The dam itself and the operational buildings have been undergoing renovations for the past 10 years. The [...]