Chevaline Dexx Membrane
Chevaline Dexx is a liquid applied, single layer glass fibre mat reinforced membrane for use in sealing old and new flat and near-flat roofs, walk out decks and patios, and plant rooms. The material is a heavy-bodied waterborne acrylic paste ready to use from the container.
It is formulated for high adhesion and water resistance, with toughness combined with flexibility in the cured film. This makes it particularly useful where areas are subject to foot traffic. The membrane system can also be used for light vehicular traffic as a two-layer glass fibre mat reinforced system to accommodate stresses in all directions. Topcoats are also available for various service conditions.
Chevaline Dexx is suitable for a wide range of applications including plant rooms, roofing, balconies & decks, wet areas and under tiles.
Available Colours:
Chevaline Dexx is supplied as Standard Grey (00A05) and White. Custom colours are available to match any colour chart.

Technical Data
Key Benefits:
- 100% NZ made
- Proven durability with 37+ years in service history
- Proven UV resistance
- Easy to apply and maintain long term
- Applicable to a variety of surfaces in both horizontal and vertical situations
- Life expectancy of 25 years with regular maintenance
- Wide colour range available
- Zero odour application
Technical Support provided by our team:
- Project specific specifications and details
- On-site quality assurance
- Certified Applicators available nationwide
- Extended warranties available